
Joint Commission By: Molly Menton, MA, LPC, MHA, Performance Improvement Director

Jan 19, 2015

PrairieCare Maple Grove Earns Recognition from the Joint Commission

It is with great pride and excitement that we announce that PrairieCare Maple Grove has been recognized by The Joint Commission as a Top Performer on Key Quality Measures for 2013! This is an incredible honor as PrairieCare is one of only two hospitals in Minnesota to receive this distinction for quality measures related to Hospital-Based-Inpatient-Psychiatric-Services (HBIPS). PrairieCare staff work hard every day to ensure that our patients are being appropriately screened and assessed, they work to reduce seclusion and restraints, appropriately manage medications and create collaborative discharge plans. These efforts are a hallmark of PrairieCare’s dedication to transforming psychiatric care and providing the psychiatric care that patient’s truly need.

Being selected as a Joint Commission Top Performer is objective validation of the PrairieCare staff’s indomitable resolve to give the safest, highest quality care possible.  In order to receive this recognition, PrairieCare staff collect, analyze and report on specific quality measures set forth by The Joint Commission. Each quarter, data is sent from PrairieCare to a private, objective vendor for further analysis and eventual submission to The Joint Commission. PrairieCare’s data is compared against thousands of other psychiatric hospitals and a composite score is given based on the reported data.  In order to be considered a Top Performer, PrairieCare had to obtain a composite score of 95% or above for four quarters in 2013. PrairieCare not only met this requirement but often exceeded the requirement by earning composite scores above 98%.

PrairieCare is proud and humbled by this recognition and thrilled that this organizational goal has been achieved. What is more important and is constantly a factor in every decision and every new endeavor is “how does this help patients get the best care possible?”  This recognition is not about adding a certificate to our wall or competing with other hospitals. It’s simply about setting a standard of excellence for patients seeking psychiatric care. We believe that our kids deserve nothing but highest quality and safest care possible. We are committed to maintaining this standard of excellence as every child deserves our best. We will continue to serve Minnesota’s children with the utmost dedication to quality, safety and transformative care.

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